Redacción de Inglés: My dream house

Hoy toca la segunda redacción de cuarto en la EOI. Nieves, nuestra profe, nos mete mucha caña (cosa que agradezco, pues en el fondo soy un poco vago, y si tengo que hacer algo por mi cuenta no lo hago) y por cada tema, además de los ejercicios normales y demás fotocopias, nos pide una redacción (la pobre se tiene que meter unos tutes de corregir redacciones horribles), y vienen muy bien tenerlas confeccionadas pues a la hora de prepararse los exámenes de writing y de speaking son muy beneficiosas.

En este writing teníamos que hablar sobre la casa de nuestros sueños, para lo que teníamos que usar la segunda condicional y el vocabulario sobre las casas visto en clase, así que ahí va mi casita soñada:

If I were a millionaire, I would buy a huge detached house surrounded by tall shrubs in a not very big city, maybe in a city like Cáceres. The house wouldn’t be located in the city centre because of the traffic and the parking spots, but it wouldn’t be situated too far from downtown.

My dream house would have two floors, a big garage and, of course, a blue swimming pool bordered by a beautiful garden full of plants and trees, and with a white path from the outside door towards the porch.

Inside the house, there would be enormous French windows with long curtains and stylish and practical furniture. Downstairs, there would be 5 bedrooms with enormous beds and spacious wardrobes, 2 bathrooms, one of them with a Jacuzzi, a beautiful kitchen with an American fridge (one of those that have 2 big doors) and a table in the center, where I could eat with my family, and a pleasant living room with two or three large sofas.

Upstairs, there would be a games room where I could play with my nephews, nieces and my future daughter, another bathroom, a little office to work and to study, and finally a huge room called “the cinema-room”, with several comfortable seats and a giant screen where my friends and I could see our favourite films.

The garage would be in the basement and there would be enough room for a small workshop, where I could work with my hands and repair de furniture and the household appliances.

Publicado en Inglés. 9 Comments »